Monday, January 28, 2013


The night before yesterday I randomly told Shane about this "bai swee" Hello Kitty bakery and Burger set.... Because I really wanted it and it's sooo damn cute?!!! Tisa told me it was sold out already but Shane somehow managed to find it?! The first thing he told me when I met him was "eh I bought already" And I was like "huh? What thing?". Then while walking to the clinic, he showed me what he bought on Ebay!!!!!!! 3 "bai swee" Hello Kitty sets hehhehheee, I swear he's such a sweetheart! I was really surprised! Cannot stop smiling until now! Hahahaha.

Moving on... The doctor told me it was some skin allergy and not eczema. He asked me to change my bath form to some Dove cream non allergy shampoo. Yeah I know right... Shampoo?!?! Like huh why shampoo?! We went to search for it anyway but some people say there is no such shampoo... So I got another sensitive skin bath form from the unity. My condition did not get any better, it was quite bad :(

So Shane being a sweetheart again, took off today to bring me to the National Skin Center. :)

At first I was quite scared while waiting for my turn... I don't know?! It's just me, I'm always scared when it comes to visiting the doctor's. The doctor told me my condition was very serious and assign me to go for "scrape". It is to take some part of my skin for a test. And it turned out to be Eczema... I've all the medication that I need already and I hope I'd be able to sleep well again at night!!

I just want to thank Shane for everything he had done for me...

Next, I want to thank my dad and brother!!! They whatsapp me last night, told me they booked a chalet at NSRCC for my 21st! Hehehhee. I actually just wanted to just have dinner with family and friends or maybe buffet at home and gather a few friends... I have sent out invitations to my friends, hopefully to see each and everyone of them :)

I'm really thankful, so blessed and loved :) hehehehee

On a side note, I really hope Shane can make it to my birthday chalet :( He told me he have to go overseas after my birthday for work but it's not confirmed, maybe will bring forward to the 7th! Nooooooo....~~~

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